Tom Brown (Is Really okay)

Tom Brown (Is Really okay)

By Arden de Raaij

I am a 25 year old film-maker and photographer, from London, I shoot on a Canon 5 and 7D with Canon /Zeiss and Leica glass. I studied Film at the London College of Printing.

‘Call and response’ – Tom Brown

My approach is to talk, I noticed a few years ago that the more I interacted with the people I was shooting, the more they let go. They stop posing because I wanted to know about them even it isn’t always a comfortable experience. It can be exhausting both shooting and learning about the trauma of people’s lives. But In the same breath it can re-affirm your commitment to making every day count for something. I have had people in tears on more than one occasion, just from recounting their year or their last breakup. The technique has helped me to cultivate the first glimmers of a style to my photos that I am working hard to develop, shooting every spare moment and listening when I need to.

Tom Brown
Tom Brown
Tom Brown

I have always tried to shoot film and stills in tandem, not only because I feel like they feed each other terms of learning processes but also because, with film ,I find that the more I shoot the easier it is to pull things out of my head and get them on screen. Stills are incredibly gratifying  when paired with video because all film work takes a long time, in both shooting and editing, but stills can be shot and colour corrected in a matter of days which keeps your energy levels up while working on longer videos.

Portrait by Tom Brown
Portrait by Tom Brown
Portrait by Tom Brown
Portrait by Tom Brown

I would like for my work to be commercially viable, but I’m always looking for subjects and locations that give me a little more. I find the hardest shoots, the ones where we are silently working. I’m far more interested in the stories that people weave around the events that make up their lives.

by Tom Brown
by Tom Brown